In this tutorial we'll see how to create a functional test case for a Unary method.  We'll be using the RouteGuide example service that is part of the gRPC repository.  


Steps :

  1. Discover a gRPC service using *.proto file or via Server Reflection.  Please see the Getting Started tutorial on how to do this.
  2. Navigate to the Tests menu and click on the Create button
    Click to enlarge

  3. Enter the required information and click Go to create the tests case.
  4.  Click on the  button to open the newly created test case
  5. Now you can start editing the test case
    • Edit the Test Case Information

    • Edit the Test Case Input

    • Edit the Validation Rules.  By default, a single validation rule is created.  This rule just validates that a response was received from the gRPC service

  6. Click on the Run button ()
  7. The Actual Response did not actually match the Expected Response. As such, FINT has determined that the test failed.

  8. Let's update the Expected Response of the test case. Click on the "Overwrite with Actual Results" button 

  9. Click the Run (  ) button again 
  10. Now the responses are matching and the test case finally Passes. Now you're all set. :)