In this tutorial we'll see how to create a functional test case for a Server Streaming method.  We'll be using the RouteGuide example service that is part of the gRPC repository.  


Steps :

  1. Discover a gRPC service using *.proto file or via Server Reflection.  Please see the Getting Started tutorial on how to do this.
  2. Navigate to the Tests menu and click on the Create button.  Unlike the screenshot below, select the method RouteChat (this is the Duplex Streaming method)



  3. Configure the Test Information, Validation Rules, and Test Input.  These steps are described in the Create Functional Test Case (Unary) tutorial.
  4. Configure the Client Stream requests

  5. Click the Run (  ) button
  6. The Response and Server Stream messages match. We have a passing test!
    Click to enlarge