Run as test server?

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10/1/2021 1:47:01 PM
Total Posts 3

Run as test server?

I'm just exploring this now as an option for a large brand name. I just came across it and it looks pretty great in addition to being one of so few grpc testing tools, but this also looks to be very desktop-centric and a few specifics were unclear to me.

  1. Can it run on a CI server as a test runner? For example, can the tests/rules/validations be assembled in the UI and exported for source control, and then have those exported files imported into a test runner on a server? I see requests can be defined as JSON so it seems like the rails are there.
  2. Will it export to common file formats like junit, or at least can it output report as markdown or html  (I think you say here that it does the html part) that could be displayed in our dashboards/CI tools?
  3. It's ability to load test -- can the runner act as a master/orchestrator across many nodes to test large loads (thousands of concurrent requests per second in multiple regions)
  4. Are there any plans to port the UI to a web application, if even just as a companion/reporting dashboard? The way I see it, the desktop application will be of more value during the development phase (e.g. QAs or developers writing tests), but once the code is sent upstream, it becomes a shared CI space where a web UI is probably more valuable. MVP might simply be viewing test results from one or more projects (kind of how SonarQube works. Results are sent to the server and cataloged by project id).
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